Satsang & Retreat
You are warmly invited to join us in Satsang and Retreat. Find the natural beauty that you already are and start living your life as that love.

In Satsang we come together as a group for 1½ - 2 hours in the name of love and truth. There is a period of meditation followed by a Dharma talk and then dialog.
A spiritual life is not truly lived until the moment we are fully expressing our True Nature and Inner Beauty. We do not know how it will be, taste, smell or feel until it is lived each moment. You are invited to Satsang to join together in finding the Stillness that is already here and always available that is You!
Retreat lasts one to seven days.
In retreat we are leaving our busy worldly life behind to give ourselves wholeheartedly to our True Love – our True Nature.
At retreat all the practicalities are taken care of. Leaving us free to focus on flying into the arms of the beloved. Through periods of Satsang, meditation, silence and movement we face our demons and learn to rest as awareness. Then, naturally we begin to experience intimacy with all Life. Bringing together our humanity and divinity, the heart starts to flower as enlightenment, which touches all beings.
In retreat we are coming together with a single group intention. It’s so beautiful because we are walking the path alone together. Together we create a field of awareness – many bodies one Being. The bell rings. We sit in silence. At Satsang people share their hearts. We start to see that we all are going through the same process untill we learn to stabilize as the Being that we are.
"Thank you SO much, dear Marlies. I so loved being with you yesterday and today. And I deeply appreciate the "sound of Silence" that you bring. Today's meditations were very special - I loved the "subtle music" in the background of the one. I felt transported into Stillness; such a deep blessing." S.J.R.

What is Already Still
What is already still and not touched by your mind? It is YOU! Realize that this Silent Being is always here resting in the midst of you — as you. The more you take time to listen to your inner Being – the more your life harmonizes itself and becomes magical. Put all your love and adoration into Her. Keep sipping in this Being that you are till you know that there is only One Silent Being expressing Itself and greeting you everywhere.
At the heart of Satsang is the question, “Who Am I?”
Who is this Beauty? People tend to close their eyes to this Inner Beauty and on their deathbed they realize they have been asleep most of their lives. That is very sad.
Usually we think or experience ourselves as a separate somebody with a unique physical form, personal history, and identity. Yet, when we deeply explore the question of true identity, we begin to realize that in fact there is no center, no knower, no experiencer, that we can locate anywhere. All that we find is Space, or Stillness. It takes fearlessness to stay in the dimension of Nothing or Space – to live where nothing is known, experienced or identified with. In Stillness nothing can be done or undone. Do you dare to live in a state of: “I am lost, I can do nothing, I don’t know anything?” It can be frightening to rest where there is no direction; to stick with the feelings of being lonely and lost where there are no objects to focus on anymore.
Yet, if this feeling of being lost is sustained, you will see yourself fall into the One, the One and Only Emptiness, or Spaciousness, there is. You are reduced to Nothingness itself. Your life won’t be “your” life anymore; it will no longer be directed by “you”. When this is totally received, the tension of life is replaced by “full” relaxation. Now, Love can take possession of you. What a joy!
When you live your life from this space, the movement you find yourself doing and the words you find yourself saying are born out of Silence, your True Self. I am here to serve that Truth.
This is my true joy – dancing this eternal dance of Truth, to inspire people to look inside themselves, leading them to discover the Stillness they really are. I invite you to inquire into the Beauty that You are and how you might live it.