Are We There Yet? (CD)
In this satsang Marlies takes us by the hand and leads us step by step to the felt sense of our own direct experience. Many spiritual seekers think they can only reach true freedom by cutting off their humanity. That is a lot of work. How ould our lives be if all that arises is received exactly as it is? Pain is pain; divinity is divinity. The light of awareness is an invitation to notice what is. Then every moment can be an utter welcoming of our humanity and divinity. With warmth, clarity and gentleness, Marlies guides us to the freedom and simplicity of this moment, here and now.
With love, directness, and humor, Marlies Myoku Cocheret invites our spirituality down right into this human body experience. For many years she has been ushering seekers into the mysteries of living the divine in the body. She has been offering satsangs and retreats since 2000 when Adyashanti asked her to teach. Marlies is trained as a psychologist in the Netherlands and works internationally as a spiritual teacher, counselor, a certified Hakomi therapist and tantric educator. Marlies is interviewed in ‘Awakened Relating: A Guide to Embodying Undivided Love in Intimate Relationships’ by Lynn Marie Lumiere and ‘Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom’ by R.M. Robinson. She is the founder of the non-profit Deep Water Sangha. |